Please submit your abstract first and then your paper according to the mentioned dates (the important dates) to this e-mail address:
After final results are announced, please send the following prices to Mohammad Javad Ranjkesh with acount number 0357363164009 for evaluation, certificates and publishing. Please send the reciept of your payment to the conference e-mail address.
Evaluation, certificate and publishing the abstracts :
1. 50,000 t M.A and Ph.D students
2. 80,000 t Faculty members
3. 100,000t Freelance participants
Evaluation, certificate and publishing the papers:
1. 100,000 t M.A and Ph.D srudents
2. 160,000 t Faculty members
3.200,000t Freelance participants
The faculty members of Political Sciences of Khorasan branch have 20% discount.
The faculty members, members of scientific committee and executive committee and speakers of conference are exempt from payment.